Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Research is vital to the development of e-learning

Why research is vital to the development of e-learning.

The following firstly explains why research and development are important in the generic sense.  Secondly, it summarises some of the key research that has been conducted by me.

Hopefully, you'll learn at least one amazing fact that you didn't already know; and you'll find that lots of questions you've asked about e-learning are answered below.

Find out the answer to these questions and more:
  1. What's the connection between innovation and dinosaurs?
  2. What links Kodak, Raleigh Bicycles and the Roman Empire?
  3. When is it time for you to retire?
  4. What are 21st century skills?
  5. When will there be an elegant user interface that supports accessibility and mobile devices, plus other goodies?
  6. What's social learning?
  7. Stick with Blackboard or switch to Moodle? - What's the answer?
  8. What's the future of the VLE?
  9. Web services - what's that?
  10. What are the two types of research?
  11. How do we learn and what's that got to do with e-learning?
  12. What's the future of e-learning?