Wednesday, September 22, 2010

UK Higher Educaction: Is it just for call centres?

There's been a lot of debate about the purpose of higher education, and the debate will no doubt continue.

Here's a strange fact to add to that debate:

"One in three call centre workers in the UK now has a degree, according to a new survey, reflecting the problems faced by university-educated workers in finding suitable employment."

Is there a serious mismatch between education and plans for economic prosperity?  Do the education and economic strategies need to involve joined up thinking?

Friday, September 17, 2010

20,000 years of progress in 100 years!?

If this century is to experience 20,000 years of progress...

... then that sounds like computers (AI) are going to be a significant force for innovation.  Where does that leave humans, and what's the role for teaching and learning?

Will the teachers be computers (AI)?
Will the students be computers (AI)?

2st Century Learning: The Singularity University

We occasionally ask ourselves: what should we be doing with regard to Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century.

Here's one approach:

The Singularity University teaches the adoption of innovation via exponential technologies: article in Nature.

Most provocative quote:

"The twenty-first century won't see 100 years of advancement at year-2000 rates, but a mind boggling 20,000 years of progress."