Wednesday, April 27, 2011

KISS the standard Internet technologies

KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid

There are many organisations and institutions focusing on e-learning and associated technologies.  As in every other sector, there are too many.  However, that's not quite the point of this post...

There is a great deal of naval gazing involved, contemplating which technologies to develop and use for e-learning.  But consider KISSing much of that goodbye.

Here are a few reasons why you should JUST use standard Internet technologies, and not use custom or proprietary e-learning technologies.  The benefits of using standard technology for e-learning are as follows:

  1. Internet businesses and open source organisations have far more expertise of Internet technologies than education establishments have.
  2. This means they provide robust technologies that have been tested by vast numbers of users.
  3. Good usability features that have been tested by many users.
  4. Compatibility across many different platforms (computers, browsers, phones, etc.)
  5. All Net literate users understand how to use these applications already - no extra technologies have to be learnt.
  6. Consequently, staff and students can use their time efficiently to quickly focus on teaching and learning, rather than wasting time on new unnecessary technologies.
  7. Students can use the same technologies for learning and work; and can directly apply their new skills to their work, and social life.
Why make life difficult for yourself, your colleagues and students?

Remember to KISS :-)

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