Monday, April 4, 2011

Practice what they preach? E-learning and PDF

Here's a tip to consider...

Do experts practice what they preach? 
If not, it may mean that they don't understand the topic: they're not experts.

If you come across PDF documents on the web about e-learning, ask yourself the above question about the author.

If an author publishes Word documents then they clearly have little clue about good practice in e-learning.

Homework:  Identify at least 2 reasons why Word docs represent bad practice...

1 comment:

  1. Our organisation has dubiously chosen to use a document management system for its intranet - instead of a web based system.

    Is that a mistake? Time will tell.

    It may be the decision just happened without thought, because the organisations policy is just to use Microsoft products, no matter what. Again, another decision that may have lacked thought.
